Pick Up Women

You know the scenario. You’re out, you see a woman, and you know you want to seduce her. You have to have this woman back at your place… but how? I told you about how to meet women and start conversations, but you need to go beyond a starter chat if you want to date her… or even just get her into your bed. So what do you do?

Set her at Ease
No way would you think of this, right? Of course not. We’re guys. Any woman that isn’t a total dog wants to approach us and we’re psyched. But women aren’t. Unless you’re Brad Pitt, they pretty much assume that you’re a loser or a psycho until you prove them wrong. So my advice is to be cool and friendly when approaching them for a date. Don’t turn on the seduction right away. That time will come.

Impress Her
This is a must. You don’t impress her, and when you ask her for a date, she’ll give you a fake phone number. One fantastic way to impress, and even seduce, a woman is to get her talking about herself. It sounds cliche, but it’s true–everyone loves to talk about themselves. So my advice is to ask questions and listen to the answers, whether or not you care. It makes you seem like you’re really interested in her as a person and keeps you from saying something lame. It’s a no-brainer.

Cut Bait and Run
This part is only if you really like the girl, and want to date her. If you’re going for pure seduction, check out my Seduction link and ignore this paragraph. But if you’ve managed to start a conversation, put her at ease, and impress her, and you think you might want to get a dating thing going, run. Exchange numbers, then say you need to leave. When you leave her wanting more, you do two things. First, you throw her off balance. Did you leave because you weren’t really interested? She won’t be sure, so she’ll work harder to impress you on your next date. Second, you keep her interest piqued, thus assuring her that she’ll be thinking of you, and eagerly awaiting your phone call.

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Where Do I Meet Women?

The answer is staggeringly simple: anywhere. Beautiful women are all over the place: at your gym, at work, in bars, everywhere. If you feel like you’ve looked all over and you can’t find a single woman to date, you’re wrong. The truth is that you have found them, but you haven’t known how to seduce them and close the deal.

How Do I Start a Conversation?
For starters, don’t even think about a pick-up line. Those went out with the seventies. And while a lot of things are retro-hip these days, pick-up lines are not among them. If you start a conversation with anything that sounds even remotely like, “Hey, haven’t I seen you around here before?” you will not get laid. Part of seduction is showing a genuine (or at least seemingly genuine) interest in the woman. My dating advice is that you start your conversation with something simple and elegant. Introduce yourself, and ask her name. Ice broken.

Here’s an important note of advice. Once you ask her for her name and she gives it to you, remember it. Nothing will thwart a seduction faster than when twenty minutes into a fabulous conversation, you have to ask, “What’s your name again?” If it helps, make a point of repeating her name soon after she says it, and using it in conversation.

So now you know each other’s names. Where do you take the conversation from there? Sometimes it’s easy. I recently met a gorgeous girl at a bar who was dressed up like it was in 1985. She had hot pink leggings, blue eyeshadow, big hair, Adam Ant face paint and the works. Asking why she was dressed that way was a simple conversation starter. Turned out she was promoting her murder mystery party business, and after a full night of conversation, we ended up dating for a while. Though it’s not always that obvious where to begin a seductive chat, observation will usually give you your best cues.

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