Sugar Mummy from Meru Looking for a Hookup

Hello, admin! Being on your website is one of the many surprises in my life. I’m Hannah Ntinyari, a charming, lively, and independent woman eager to have fun with a young man this weekend in the Meru area. I’m looking for a man who likes to engage in love and knows how to make women happy in general. Please match me with a man who appreciates women. He ought to be prepared to remain at my house with me. I lack a man in my life, currently. I require someone with some skills in the bedroom. I’d prefer those with knowledge of handling older women.

Love is a beautiful thing and here is your chance. SMS hook up to +254717176613.

How To Get Laid

Okay, first, you get yourself naked…

I’m kidding. I’m guessing you know the basics of How To Get Laid once the seduction’s over and you’re actually in bed with the woman. However, my girlfriend claims that she once went with a guy who couldn’t seem to make that happen, even after their clothes were off. If that’s the case with you, you need a lot more than dating advice.

How To Get Laid Today
First, you need to bolster your confidence. If you want to attract women, you have to have a very strong sense of yourself and your power of seduction. Take my advice, believe in your ability to win over, and start dating any woman, at any time. That’s how to get laid.

Even if you’re already dating a girl, it’s smart to get seduction tips so you know how to get laid. Most chicks don’t want it as often as we do. That’s the way they’re wired. You need the advice to learn to put your girlfriend in the mood, so she wants it every time you want it.

There are basic tricks to getting yourself laid. Women respond to seduction. It gets them hot. You can go to my favorite dating website and take the advice, and become a master at seduction. At that point, it becomes like a game. You can just turn it on and know for a fact that in no time, you’ll be doin’ the nasty and loving it.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.

Getting Laid

Are you a guy who chokes under pressure? If so, you probably know how to meet women, and you even know how to pick up women, but you have trouble getting laid. Don’t worry, it’s common, but it’s why you need seduction and dating advice.

Have I gone off on how we’ve all been feminized in this society? I believe I have, but let me go at again, because it’s relevant to our discussion about seduction and dating advice. Somehow, a guy going out and Getting Laid is seen as a bad thing these days.

Yes, I know there are bad diseases that can come from getting laid. That’s why my advice is to use a condom. Yet even if you slap on the glove, there’s this stigma out in the world for being a guy who happens to eschew dating in favor of seduction, getting laid, and one night stands.

Let Men Go About Getting Laid!
My theory is that it’s because women have brainwashed the world into a PC way of thinking. They want romance and dating and year-long seduction, so we guys are supposed to want it too. The thing is, guys and women aren’t wired the same. Until we happen to find that one girl, we’re wired to want to get laid. Often. By different, exotic, and beautiful women. And that should be okay! So my advice is to stop fighting your own nature, learn the right techniques, go out there, be a man, and have a great time.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.

Pick Up Manual

I wish I’d had a pickup manual in high school. In fact, I wish I’d had my seduction and dating advice website back in seventh grade when I really wanted Heather Clinger but wasn’t cool enough to do anything about it. I wish I’d had it in college when I let so many amazing opportunities pass me by.

I’m sure I’m not the only guy who hasn’t always been at the top of his seduction game. Think about this, though: every day you don’t go online and take advantage of my favorite dating advice site, is a day you could be getting laid. Use the Pick Up Manual. Learn how to get laid. You’ll be oh so glad you did.

Online Pick-Up Manual
Not only do I love my online pick-up manual because it offers the best seduction and dating advice around, but I also love it because it’s online. I would never walk out of a bookstore with something like this under my arm. I’d look like a loser. I can’t even imagine how much it would bite for some girl to see me holding it.

Thank heaven for the internet age. Now all of us can get the seduction advice we need, without worrying about looking like totally lame losers. We can get our dating tips in the privacy of our own homes, without any fear of embarrassment, which is spectacular.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.

Women Seduction

It is true that the art of woman seduction is very different than the art of men’s seduction. Pretty much if a woman wanted seduction advice, all she’d have to be told is “wear something hot and say yes.” We guys, however, need more detailed dating advice. We need a seduction manual.

Luckily, that’s exactly what I found online. I found a pick-up manual that makes the area of women’s seduction crystal clear. Really, it’s amazingly simple! Learning the right dating advice is like learning to walk. Once you know how you’re amazed you ever bothered to drag around on all fours.

With the right women seduction techniques, you’ll have girls begging to go home with you. Okay, it’s rare that they will actually be begging, but you’ll look in their eyes and you’ll see the beg, I promise. The right dating advice turns you into a hot girl magnet.

Beautiful Women Seduction
Allow me to reiterate that the dating advice I got online will get you not just any chicks, but hot chicks. After all, if you’re going to learn about seduction, you want to make sure that seduction will work on the more beautiful creatures this world has to offer. Armed with your new knowledge, you’ll have the courage to approach any woman, no matter how gorgeous or aloof, and get her to want you.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.

Pick Up Girls

Oh yeah, I said “Pick Up Girls,” not “Pick Up Women.” I have a theory about women who chafe every time they’re called “girls.” They’re trouble. The best dating and seduction advice I can give is to stay far away from any woman who will never let you call her a girl.

That’s not to say I’m sexist or anything. Seriously, I know I might come off that way when I talk about how to attract women and Pick Up Girls, but I’m not. In fact, it’s because I respect women so much that I want them in my life, which is why I was looking for seduction and dating advice in the first place.

My theory is simply that you want to pick up girls who are fun. Women who will never ever ever ever allow themselves to be called girls are not fun. Period. They will not give in to seduction, and you will not enjoy dating them. That’s my advice.

How To Pick Up Girls
It’s all about confidence. When you pump up the confidence and approach women with the knowledge that they will absolutely want to start dating you, you’ll find it works. The best seduction advice is to have no fear. Women can smell fear, and they don’t like it.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.

Seduce Women

When you don’t know about seduction, the idea of being able to seduce women is completely foreign. I know, because I’ve been there. Before I got the right dating advice, I was so tongue-tied I couldn’t even function, never mind get laid.

Now, however, I know all the secrets and can easily seduce women. With the right seduction and dating advice, you’ll learn that it’s not that hard. It’s kind of like acting, putting on a good show so the girl thinks you’re everything she wants.

Seduce Women You Want
This used to be another problem of mine. When I did seduce women, it was always the women I didn’t really want. I’d end up going home with the girls no one needs seduction and dating advice to get, the girls who are desperate and just want any guy.

However, I didn’t want to keep bringing home the shy, not-so-pretty girls. I wanted seduction and dating advice so I could be the guy taking home the pretty girls. Now I can turn it on and be that guy, whenever I want. Honestly, the right advice can change your life.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.

Get Laid

Dude, admit it: this is the first link you clicked. It’s okay, I don’t judge, I’m a guy too. Dating advice on how to meet women and pick up women is fine and all, but we all really want to learn how to get laid.

And why not? I think we as a gender have been way too feminized. It’s not PC to want to Get Laid. We’re supposed to be more interested in dating and seduction and getting advice on how to marry the women of our dreams.

Yeah, right. I mean, sure, I’m dating a woman now who may well be The One, but before her, I was all about wanting to get laid. I still want to get laid, only now I just want to get laid by her. The whole reason I started looking into seduction advice was to get laid.

Get Laid NOW!
Okay, I don’t really have advice on how you can get laid at this very second. That is, I don’t unless you count your right hand as a high-quality partner. Yet if you follow dating and seduction advice, you’ll have no problems closing the deal, heading to the bed, car, or washing machine of your choice (make sure it’s on — trust me), and getting laid.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.


Now we’re talking. You know how to pick up and attract women. This is the page you want to read when you’re thinking purely about getting your woman into bed. This seduction advice will work for you whether you’re using it on a woman you’ve been dating for weeks, or one you’ve just met.

Eye Contact
This is a biggie. If you want to make a woman swoon, you need to look deep into her eyes. Done properly, this advice will make her melt every time. Staring into a woman’s eyes makes her feel like you’re looking deep into her soul, and seems to offer her a glimpse into yours as well. Whether you’re looking for a dating relationship or just pure seduction, nothing seals the deal like eye contact.

The Kiss
Dude, take my advice: the kiss is the single most important thing you can learn. A woman might not be falling for your seduction techniques, but if you land a kiss that makes her melt, she’ll be yours for the taking. Far too many guys think they can kiss, but can’t. And just because you have a girlfriend, don’t think you know how to kiss. I’ve listened to my girlfriend on the phone, and plenty of her girlfriends complain about their boyfriends’ lack of kissing abilities.

Basically, it’s all about moisture control. You don’t want a kiss that’s too wet. The tongue is good, but running your tongue all over the face of some girl you’re dating likes you’re mopping it isn’t going to get you anywhere. Similarly, a kiss that’s too dry won’t have any seductive power whatsoever. Learn to strike a balance.

The Tease
When it comes to seduction, this is the be-all and end-all of advice. Women love to be teased. Seriously, it’s true, they get off on it. Never give them too much too soon. Tease them with your kisses, and with your touch. This will work for any woman, whether she’s a one-night seduction or someone you’ve been dating. If you want to get her hot, tease her while you’re fooling around. It’ll drive her absolutely crazy.

Sugar mummy hookups in Kenya and beyond? SMS hook up to +254717176613.

Dating Advice

So you found a woman you like, and you want to take things beyond basic seduction. You want to date her, but you don’t want to fall into your usual pitfalls and blow the whole thing. I understand. That’s why I bring you this page of advice, filled with common mistakes you want to avoid.

Forget about it. Okay, don’t forget about it, but don’t expect sex right away. If you’re looking for a one-night stand, sex right away is mandatory, but for long-term dating, be prepared to wait it out. Ironically, a woman will find you all the more attractive if she thinks she’s so important to you that you’re willing to wait until the time is right.

Don’t Be Over Eager
Maybe you fell in love with this incredibly seductive woman the second you met her, but don’t expect her to do the same. If you want to date her for a long time, take things slowly. And if you did fall in love with her immediately, take my advice and keep it to yourself for a while. Until she feels the same, your overwhelming ardor is way more likely to totally freak her out than flatter her.

Ignore N.O.W.
There’s nothing wrong with feminism and equality, but if you want to impress your date, be a man and buy her meals. There’s nothing less seductive for a woman than dating a cheapskate. This is all part of confidence. You need to have the confidence to take charge, call her up, ask for a date, plan it ahead of time, and pay for everything. It doesn’t make you a chauvinist, it makes you thoughtful. You don’t have to pay for everything forever, but certainly, on the first few dates, take the initiative and grab the check.

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